This page contains features we’d like to see in the project. Can you help? Please check our Roadmap also.

General Requests#

Misc Features#

  • Better Active Directory integration

    • issuing certificates to servers running in Windows via Auto Enrollment Proxy

  • Better integration between Fortitude (mod_nss) and CS

    • automated certificate issuance and renewal

  • OS integration

    • automatic CA discovery

    • centralized policy management

  • Make subsystem smaller and faster

  • Implement a new subsystem to management CRLs, CA certificates (Trust Management Server)

  • Implement document signing subsystem

  • Implement time stamping subsystem

  • Provide user interface to the security domain where subsystem infomation is stored

  • Implement service discovery for the CA service

  • Provide backup and restore capability so that certificates and requests can be migrated easily

  • Integrate log4j into the server

Shared PKI Subsystem Enhancement Requests#

Common Features#

  • Change the backend to use a sql server

  • Change Java-based console to web-based

  • Provide better UI-based management utility

  • Integrate velocity (template system) into the subsystem

  • Better exception and error handling throughout the server

  • Create symmetric key calls in the JSS library and integrate this new API in pki-symkey

  • Remove the osutil library

  • Improve the startup and shutdown time of the Java servers

Util Features#

  • Remove the dependencies on*

    • Change the server to use JSS’s ASN.1 decoding/encoding

  • Remove the dependencies on*

Individual Server-Side PKI Subsystem Enhancement Requests#

Certificate Authority Features#

  • Improve the way how we handle large CRLs

  • Implement CMP protocol

  • Make it smaller and more self-contained so that it can be embedded into other applications

  • Support kerberos authentication plugin for enrollment

  • Improve HSM and CA integration, make installing and debugging HSM easier

  • IPA Integration

  • mod_nss Integration

  • Update the user interface with Web 2.0 style

  • Intergrate JAAS Authentication framework into the server

  • Support multiple signing keys within the same instance

  • Support EV certificate profile

Data Recovery Manager Features#

  • Need cleaner interface between CA and DRM. Potentially use XML-based protocol.

Online Certificate Status Protocol Manager Features#

  • Improve performance

  • Support SCVP

  • Intergrate path validation service

Registration Authority Features#

  • Support SCEP encoding/decoding natively in RA.

    • RA currently does not have any ASN.1 facility, and it relies on CA to encode the SCEP and return authentication information back.

  • Support SQL engine other than SQLite

  • Support multiple-level agent approvals

  • Support more authentication types (SQL, flatfile, …etc)

Token Key Service Features#

  • Provide management UI to manage master keys

Token Processing System Features#

  • Build a small TPS that has CA/TKS/TPS functionalities all in one

  • Implement TPS in Java

  • Support TPS cloning

  • Consolidate the token management UI and the security officer UI

  • Clean up the protocol between TPS and ESC

PKI Subsystem Tools Enhancement Requests#

Java Tools#

  • Improve startup time

  • Consider to provide user interfaces to some of the tools

Native Tools#

  • Create man pages for the native tools

  • Provide a set of command line utilities, that can be bundled in the base OS, that will enroll, renew certificate in Apache web servers, Machines

Individual Client-Side PKI Subsystem Enhancement Requests#

Enterprise Security Features#

  • Need ways to enroll a token without the backend (TPS, CA, TKS…etc)

  • Build end-user applications around ESC

    • Sign files, encrypt files

    • ssh to web sites