Checking out PKI Source Code via Subversion

Checking out PKI Source Code via Subversion#


You will need to have the Subversion tools available if you want to check out the source and build by hand:

yum install subversion

PKI Subversion Source Code#


Check out a read-only copy of the PKI source tree by issuing the following commands:

mkdir src
cd src
svn co pki

**NOTE:  **

Users which have a tree which was originally checked out from the “https ://” repository should issue the following commands to sync with the newly relocated repository on “http ://”:

 # cd pki

# svn switch --relocate https:/

/ ht tp://

# svn update

Correct any conflicts!


Check out a read-write copy of the PKI source tree by issuing the following commands:

mkdir src
cd src
svn co svn+ssh:// pki

**NOTE:  **

Users who have published their public SSH key to a valid `Fedora account <https://adm>`__

may also use this method of checkout. This method must be used in order to check-in changes to the subversion repository (although you must be one of the few privileged users allowed to check-in changes). In the event that you do not have a valid `Fedora account <https://admi>`__,

or you have not yet published your public SSH key to this account, you may receive something similar to the following message:

The authenticity o

f host ‘ (66. 135.52.17)’ can’t be established.


ey fingerprint is e6:b3:68:51:98: 2d:4c:dc:63:27:46:65:51:d5:f0:7a.

Are you sure you want to

continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

svn: Netwo

rk connection closed unexpectedly

Additionally, users which have a tree which was originally checked out from the “https ://” repository should issue the following commands to sync with the newly relocated repository on “svn+ssh ://”:

  # cd pki
svn switch --relocate https://pk svn+s sh://

# svn update

Correct any conflicts!