Installing Pre-Built PKI Support Components#
The PKI subsystems also require the following pre-built libraries and components which can easily be installed via either Fedora’s development yum server or the PKI development yum server. Become root, and execute the following commands:
Third-party Native Libraries#
Dogtag 9.0#
nspr 4.8.8 or later
nss 3.12.10 or later
openldap-devel 2.4.24 or later
cyrus-sasl-devel 2.1.23 or later
`` yum install cyrus-sasl-devel``
svrcore-devel 4.0.4 or later
`` yum install svrcore-devel``
httpd-devel 2.2.17 or later.
`` yum install httpd-devel``
zlib-devel-1.2.5 or later.
`` yum install zlib-devel``
Dogtag 1.3 and Earlier#
nspr 4.6.6 or later
nss 3.11.5 or later
mozldap-devel 6.0.3 or later
cyrus-sasl-devel 2.1.19 or later
`` yum install cyrus-sasl-devel``
svrcore-devel or later
`` yum install svrcore-devel``
httpd-devel 2.2.4 or later.
`` yum install httpd-devel``
zlib-devel-1.2.3 or later.
`` yum install zlib-devel``
Third-party Java Libraries#
Dogtag 9.0#
jss 4.2.6-17 or later
`` yum install jss``
ldapjdk 4.18 or later
`` yum install ldapjdk``
tomcat6 6.0.30 or later
`` yum install tomcat5``
velocity 1.6.4 or later
`` yum install velocity``
junit 3.8.2 or later
`` yum install junit``
Dogtag 1.3 or Earlier#
jss 4.2.5 or later
`` yum install jss``
ldapjdk 4.17 or later
`` yum install ldapjdk``
tomcat5 5.5.23 or later
`` yum install tomcat5``
velocity 1.4-6jpp1 or later
`` yum install velocity``
junit 3.8.2-3jpp.1 or later
`` yum install junit``
ant-junit 1.6.5-2jpp.2 or later
`` yum install ant-junit``
IdM Console Framework#
The IdM console framework component is required by the PKI console. Details about the idm-console-framework can be found here.
A user can decide to either install the existing idm-console-framework component in the PKI Yum repository, or build a new idm-console-framework from the source.
Installing IdM Console Framework#
To install this component, become the root user, and execute the following command:
idm-console-framework 1.1.0-2 (Dogtag 1.3 and Earlier) or 1.1.7 (Dogtag 9.0) or later
`` yum install idm-console-framework``
Building IdM Console Framework#
To build the IdM console framework, perform the following procedures:
`` yum install ant``
Pull source for ‘idm-console-framework’ following the instructions located here.
To build the framework RPM, become the root user, and execute the commands documented here.
Install the RPM.
Tomcat JSS (tomcatjss)#
The tomcatjss component is used by all Java subsystems (i.e. - CA, DRM, OCSP, and TKS). Details of tomcatjss can be found in the PKI 1 Architecture.
A user can decide to either install the existing tomcatjss component in the PKI Yum repository, or build a new tomcatjss from the source.
Installing Tomcat JSS#
To install this component, become the root user, and execute the following command:
`` yum install tomcatjss``
Building Tomcat JSS#
To build tomcatjss, do the following:
`` yum install ant``
The RPM will be created in ./dist/rpmpkg/RPMS/noarch. Become the root user, and execute the following commands: