Creating Dogtag PKI Packages on Fedora Koji#

Official builds of Dogtag PKI packages for Fedora Koji can be created at anytime, but new builds should always ideally coincide with Fedora schedules. For example:

This example utilizes Fedora 28.

Verify that all Pagure Issues for a Given Milestone are Closed#

Verify that all of Pagure issues for a .. milestone have been closed and moved to that .. milestone, or remain open in the . backlog.

Edit the ~/.rpmmacros file in order to utilize the appropriate %{dist} value:#

# vi ~/.rpmmacros

%dist .fc28

Checkout and Build from ‘master’ PKI Source Branch#

# dnf update

# git clone

# script -c "USE_TIMESTAMP=0 USE_GIT_COMMIT_ID=0 pki/scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_meta_packages rpms" typescript.meta
# mv packages packages.meta

# script -c "USE_TIMESTAMP=0 USE_GIT_COMMIT_ID=0 pki/scripts/compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages rpms" typescript.theme
# cd packages/RPMS/noarch
# sudo dnf install ./*.rpm
# cd ../../..
# mv packages packages.theme

# script -c "USE_TIMESTAMP=0 USE_GIT_COMMIT_ID=0 pki/scripts/compose_pki_core_packages rpms" typescript.core
# cd packages/RPMS
# mkdir combined
# cp -p */*.rpm combined
# cd combined
# rm *debug*.rpm pki-javadoc*.rpm
# sudo dnf install ./*.rpm
# cd ../../..
# mv packages packages.core

# script -c "USE_TIMESTAMP=0 USE_GIT_COMMIT_ID=0 pki/scripts/compose_pki_console_packages rpms" typescript.console
# cd packages/RPMS/noarch
# sudo dnf install ./*.rpm
# cd ../../..
# mv packages packages.console


If the Proposal to Combine Multiple SRPMS into a Single SRPM was adopted, it would only be necessary to run the ‘ compose_dogtag_pki_theme_packages’ and ‘compose_pki_core_packages’ scripts, and would eliminate many of the complexities when attempting to build the official Fedora Koji Dogtag PKI packages.

Create Patches from the ‘master’ PKI Source Branch (Optional)#

In the event that the build is going to utilize patches, rather than a new tarball, perform something similar to the following command:

# git log
# git format-patch <starting hash>^..<ending hash> --stdout > ../<component>-<version>-<patch name>.patch
  (e. g. - git format-patch d06bed84e50ac3acb578d4e0acc0a538e3826979^..c02268cc025ebfb0860d5528e080e208e09b3cbb --stdout > ../pki-core-10.6.0-pki-server-migration.patch
           git format-patch dfeb3c66d107123f173d58bf0a6571eb7fa3f260^..dfeb3c66d107123f173d58bf0a6571eb7fa3f260 --stdout > ../pki-core/10.6.0-link-zlib.patch)

  NOTE:  For this command, check-in hash ranges flow from earlier check-ins to later check-ins; undesired check-ins in the middle of such a range must be manually removed from the patch as necessary.
         Additionally, if a desired patch consists of a single check-in, then the starting and ending hashes are identical.

Execute PKI Smoke Tests (Optional)#

  • Optionally install a 389 DS Server.

  • Optionally pkispawn a CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS, and TPS and sanity test them.

  • Optionally test out PKI CLI.

  • Optionally test out PKI Console for CA, KRA, OCSP, and TKS.

Checkout fresh Koji branches#

# mkdir koji
# cd koji
# fedpkg clone -B dogtag-pki
# fedpkg clone -B dogtag-pki-theme
# fedpkg clone -B pki-core
# fedpkg clone -B pki-console

Setup Local ‘rpmbuild’ Creation Repos#

Download the ‘compose’ script#

The following local ‘rpmbuild’ repos utilize the ‘compose’ script:

# Authors:
#     Matthew Harmsen <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.


## Define Functions ##

usage() {
    echo "Usage:  $0 <name> <action> [-a arch] [-d dist] [-h]"
    echo "        where <action> must be one of the following:"
    echo "            dry-run  Print contents of variables"
    echo "            patch    Apply patches to the source tarball"
    echo "            srpm     Create a patched SRPM from source tarball + patches"
    echo "            rpms     Create patched RPMS from source tarball + patches"
    echo "            build    Create patched SRPM and RPMS from source tarball + patches"
    echo "                     (save build tree)"
    echo "            package  Create patched SRPM and RPMS from source tarball + patches"
    echo "                     (remove build tree)"

initialize() {


verify_prerequisite() {

    command -v ${executable} >/dev/null 2>&1
    if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
        echo "The bash script \"${SCRIPT}\" requires \"${executable}\";"
        echo "please install the package which provides \"${executable}\"."

    return ${rv}

## Verify Required Prerequisites ##

PREREQUISITES=(date lsb_release pwd rpmbuild script)

for prerequisite in "${PREREQUISITES[@]}" ; do
    verify_prerequisite ${prerequisite}
    missing_prerequisites=`expr ${missing_prerequisites} + $?`

if [ ${missing_prerequisites} -ne 0 ] ; then
    exit 255

## Define Constants ##

ACTIONS=(dry-run patch srpm rpms build package)

ARCHES=(aarch64 armv7hl i686 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390 s390x x86_64)

DISTRIBUTION=`lsb_release -is`

OS_RELEASE=`lsb_release -rs`


TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`

## Test for Required Arguments ##

if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
    echo "Must specify a 'name'!"
    exit 255
elif [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then
    echo "Must specify an 'action'!"
    exit 255

## Test for expected directory infrastructure
if [ ! -d "${PWD}/SOURCES/" ] ; then
    echo "The '${PWD}/SOURCES/' directory is missing!"
    missing_directories=`expr ${missing_directories} + 1`

if [ ! -d "${PWD}/SPECS/" ] ; then
    echo "The '${PWD}/SPECS/' directory is missing!"
    missing_directories=`expr ${missing_directories} + 1`

if [ ${missing_directories} -ne 0 ] ; then
    exit 255



## Test for valid name
if [ ! -f "${PWD}/SPECS/${SPEC}" ] ; then
    echo "The file '${PWD}/SPECS/${SPEC}' is missing!"
    exit 255


## Test for valid action
if ! [[ " ${ACTIONS[@]} " =~ " ${ACTION} " ]]; then
    echo "Invalid action '${ACTION}'!"
    exit 255


## Set Defaults ##

## Defaults to the architecture of your current machine
ARCH=`uname -m`

## Defaults to the distribution of your current machine
##     NOTE:  Double quotation marks '"' must surround values beginning
##            with '-' to prevent '=-' misinterpretation and to still
##            allow shell expansion of values which contain variables.
if [ "${DISTRIBUTION:0:6}" == "CentOS" ] ; then
    DIST_OPTION="-d ${DIST}"
    DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION="--define \"dist ${DIST}\""
elif [ "${DISTRIBUTION:0:6}" == "Fedora" ] ; then
    DIST_OPTION="-d ${DIST}"
    DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION="--define \"dist ${DIST}\""
elif [ "${DISTRIBUTION:0:6}" == "RedHat" ] ; then
    DIST_OPTION="-d ${DIST}"
    DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION="--define \"dist ${DIST}\""

## Parse Arguments ##

## Process any remaining command-line options
while getopts "a:d:h" option; do
    case "${option}" in
            ## Test for supported architecture
            if [[ " ${ARCHES[@]} " =~ " ${arch} " ]]; then
                echo "Unsupported architecture '${arch}'!"
                exit 255
            DIST_OPTION="-d ${DIST}"
            DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION="--define \"dist ${DIST}\""
            exit 0
            exit 255
shift $((OPTIND-1))

## Perform the specified action ##

if [ "${ACTION}" == "dry-run" ] ; then
    ## Print contents of variables
    echo "COMMAND = '${SCRIPT} ${NAME} ${ACTION} -a ${ARCH} ${DIST_OPTION}'"
    echo "    ACTION        = '${ACTION}'"
    echo "    ACTIONS       = '(${ACTIONS[@]})'"
    echo "    ARCH          = '${ARCH}'"
    echo "    ARCHES        = '(${ARCHES[@]})'"
    echo "    DIST          = '${DIST}'"
    echo "    DISTRIBUTION  = '${DISTRIBUTION}'"
    echo "    NAME          = '${NAME}'"
    echo "    OS_RELEASE    = '${OS_RELEASE}'"
    echo "    PREREQUISITES = '(${PREREQUISITES[@]})'"
    echo "    SPEC          = '${SPEC}'"
    echo "    TIMESTAMP     = '${TIMESTAMP}'"
    echo "    TYPESCRIPT    = '${TYPESCRIPT}'"
elif [ "${ACTION}" == "patch" ] ; then
    ## Apply patches to the source tarball
    script -c "rpmbuild --define \"_topdir `pwd`\" ${DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION} --target ${ARCH} -bp SPECS/${SPEC}" ${TYPESCRIPT}
elif [ "${ACTION}" == "srpm" ] ; then
    ## Create a patched SRPM from source tarball + patches
    script -c "rpmbuild --define \"_topdir `pwd`\" ${DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION} --target ${ARCH} -bs SPECS/${SPEC}" ${TYPESCRIPT}
elif [ "${ACTION}" == "rpms" ] ; then
    ## Create patched RPMS from source tarball + patches
    script -c "rpmbuild --define \"_topdir `pwd`\" ${DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION} --target ${ARCH} -bb SPECS/${SPEC}" ${TYPESCRIPT}
elif [ "${ACTION}" == "build" ] ; then
    ## Create patched SRPM and RPMS from source tarball + patches
    ## (save build tree)
    script -c "rpmbuild --define \"_topdir `pwd`\" ${DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION} --target ${ARCH} -ba SPECS/${SPEC}" ${TYPESCRIPT}
elif [ "${ACTION}" == "package" ] ; then
    ## Create patched SRPM and RPMS from source tarball + patches
    ## (remove build tree)
    script -c "rpmbuild --define \"_topdir `pwd`\" ${DIST_RPMBUILD_OPTION} --target ${ARCH} -ba --clean SPECS/${SPEC}" ${TYPESCRIPT}


# mkdir -p DOGTAG-PKI/archives
# wget <latest successful Fedora 28 Koji build of the dogtag-pki SRPM>
# rpm2cpio ./dogtag-pki*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./dogtag-pki.spec ..
# mv ./dogtag-pki*.rpm ../archives
# cp -p <path to source checkout>/packages.meta/SRPMS/dogtag-pki*.rpm .
# rpm2cpio ./dogtag-pki*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./dogtag-pki.spec ../SPECS
# rm ./dogtag-pki*.rpm
# cd ..
# diff dogtag-pki.spec <path to Koji>/koji/dogtag-pki/f28/dogtag-pki.spec
  (should be identical)

Edit SPECS/dogtag-pki.spec making any changes necessary

IMPORTANT:  Fedora Koji rules prohibit removal of any third-party changes to
            spec files in the associated upstream Koji branches, therefore
            care must be taken when merging spec file changes so as not to
            accidentally overwrite any changes that may have been made to
            the associated upstream Koji spec file since the last official
            build.  Examples of this most often consist of automated mass
            rebuilds captured in the %changelog section.

# diff dogtag-pki.spec SPECS/dogtag-pki.spec

# compose dogtag-pki package -d .fc28


# mkdir -p DOGTAG-PKI-THEME/archives
# wget <latest successful Fedora 28 Koji build of the dogtag-pki-theme SRPM>
# rpm2cpio ./dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./dogtag-pki-theme.spec ..
# rm ./dogtag-pki-theme*.tar.gz
# mv ./dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm ../archives
# cp -p <path to source checkout>/packages.theme/SRPMS/dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm .
# rpm2cpio ./dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./dogtag-pki-theme.spec ../SPECS
# rm ./dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm
# cd ..
# diff dogtag-pki-theme.spec <path to Koji>/koji/dogtag-pki-theme/f28/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
  (should be identical)

Edit SPECS/dogtag-pki-theme.spec making any changes necessary
(this is generally necessary when patches are utilized).

IMPORTANT:  Fedora Koji rules prohibit removal of any third-party changes to
            spec files in the associated upstream Koji branches, therefore
            care must be taken when merging spec file changes so as not to
            accidentally overwrite any changes that may have been made to
            the associated upstream Koji spec file since the last official
            build.  Examples of this most often consist of automated mass
            rebuilds captured in the %changelog section.

# diff dogtag-pki-theme.spec SPECS/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
# compose dogtag-pki-theme patch -d .fc28

Fix any problems as necessary.

Remember to check-in any non-patch changes
(perhaps commented out patch logic to the
 'dogtag-pki-theme.spec' in the source repo)

# compose dogtag-pki-theme package -d .fc28


# mkdir -p PKI-CORE/archives
# mkdir -p PKI-CORE/SPECS
# wget <latest successful Fedora 28 Koji build of the pki-core SRPM>
# rpm2cpio ./pki-core*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./pki-core.spec ..
# rm ./pki-core*.tar.gz
# mv ./pki-core*.rpm ../archives
# cp -p <path to source checkout>/packages.core/SRPMS/pki-core*.rpm .
# rpm2cpio ./pki-core*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./pki-core.spec ../SPECS
# rm ./pki-core*.rpm
# cd .8
# diff pki-core.spec <path to Koji>/koji/pki-core/f28/pki-core.spec
  (should be identical)

Edit SPECS/pki-core.spec making any changes necessary
(this is generally necessary when patches are utilized).

IMPORTANT:  Fedora Koji rules prohibit removal of any third-party changes to
            spec files in the associated upstream Koji branches, therefore
            care must be taken when merging spec file changes so as not to
            accidentally overwrite any changes that may have been made to
            the associated upstream Koji spec file since the last official
            build.  Examples of this most often consist of automated mass
            rebuilds captured in the %changelog section.

# diff pki-core.spec SPECS/pki-core.spec
# compose pki-core patch -d .fc28

Fix any problems as necessary.

Remember to check-in any non-patch changes
(perhaps commented out patch logic to the
 'pki-core.spec' in the source repo)

# compose pki-core package -d .fc28


# mkdir -p PKI-CONSOLE/archives
# wget <latest successful Fedora 28 Koji build of the pki-console SRPM>
# rpm2cpio ./pki-console*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./pki-console.spec ..
# rm ./pki-console*.tar.gz
# mv ./pki-console*.rpm ../archives
# cp -p <path to source checkout>/packages.console/SRPMS/pki-console*.rpm .
# rpm2cpio ./pki-console*.rpm | cpio -idumv
# mv ./pki-console.spec ../SPECS
# rm ./pki-console*.rpm
# cd ..
# diff pki-console.spec <path to Koji>/koji/pki-console/f28/pki-console.spec
  (should be identical)

Edit SPECS/pki-console.spec making any changes necessary
(this is generally necessary when patches are utilized).

IMPORTANT:  Fedora Koji rules prohibit removal of any third-party changes to
            spec files in the associated upstream Koji branches, therefore
            care must be taken when merging spec file changes so as not to
            accidentally overwrite any changes that may have been made to
            the associated upstream Koji spec file since the last official
            build.  Examples of this most often consist of automated mass
            rebuilds captured in the %changelog section.

# diff pki-console.spec SPECS/pki-console.spec
# compose pki-console patch -d .fc28

Fix any problems as necessary.

Remember to check-in any non-patch changes
(perhaps commented out patch logic to the
 'pki-console.spec' in the source repo)

# compose pki-console package -d .fc28

Publish tarballs and patches to Upstream Openshift Repository#

# kinit <yourFASloginname>@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
  (enter your FAS password)
# /usr/bin/ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_fedora


NOTE:  Since the Dogtag PKI Meta package should never contain a tarball or any patches, there
       is no need to publish anything to the Openshift repository.


First Terminal:

# oc rsh <pod> bash
# export TERM=vt100
# cd /opt/app-root/data/pki/sources
# mkdir -p ./dogtag-pki-theme/10.6.0
# cd app-root/data/pki/sources/dogtag-pki-theme/10.6.0
# pwd

Second Terminal:

Publish the tarball (and any patches) to the proper location in the OpenShift repository:
# oc rsync . <pod>:/opt/app-root/data/pki/sources/dogtag-pki-theme/10.6.0 --exclude=* --include=dogtag-pki-theme-10.6.0.tar.gz --no-perms
. . .

Optionally perform a ‘cksum’ for each transferred file on both sides to verify that the transfer was successful.


First Terminal:

# oc rsh <pod> bash
# export TERM=vt100
# cd /opt/app-root/data/pki/sources
# mkdir -p ./pki-core/10.6.0
# cd app-root/data/pki/sources/pki-core/10.6.0
# pwd

Second Terminal:

Publish the tarball (and any patches) to the proper location in the OpenShift repository:
# oc rsync . <pod>:/opt/app-root/data/pki/sources/pki-core/10.6.0 --exclude=* --include=pki-core-10.6.0.tar.gz --no-perms
. . .

Optionally perform a ‘cksum’ for each transferred file on both sides to verify that the transfer was successful.


First Terminal:

# oc rsh <pod> bash
# export TERM=vt100
# cd /opt/app-root/data/pki/sources
# mkdir -p ./pki-console/10.6.0
# cd app-root/data/pki/sources/pki-console/10.6.0
# pwd

Second Terminal:

Publish the tarball (and any patches) to the proper location in the OpenShift repository:
# oc rsync . <pod>:/opt/app-root/data/pki/sources/pki-console/10.6.0 --exclude=* --include=pki-console-10.6.0.tar.gz --no-perms
. . .

Optionally perform a ‘cksum’ for each transferred file on both sides to verify that the transfer was successful.

Create External COPR Builds (Optional)#

Create Koji Scratch Builds (Optional)#

Create Official Koji Builds#


Verify that basically koji/dogtag-pki/f28 and koji/dogtag-pki/master are identical, otherwise, when constructing Fedora 28 builds below, one would need to construct Fedora 29 builds separately rather than merely using the same local SRPM for both koji/dogtag-pki/f28 AND koji/dogtag-pki/master!

# diff koji/dogtag-pki/f28/dogtag-pki.spec koji/dogtag-pki/master/dogtag-pki.spec
  (if these are identical, then the same local SRPM may be utilized)

f28 branch#

# cd koji/dogtag-pki/f28
# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/DOGTAG-PKI/SRPMS/dogtag-pki*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build
# bodhi updates new --type bugfix --request testing --stable-karma 3 --unstable-karma -3 --notes 'Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,...' $(fedpkg verrel)

master branch#

# cd koji/dogtag-pki/master
# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/DOGTAG-PKI/SRPMS/dogtag-pki*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build

NOTE: The 'bodhi' step is not necessary for 'rawhide'.


Verify that basically koji/dogtag-pki-theme/f28 and koji/dogtag-pki-theme/master are identical, otherwise, when constructing Fedora 28 builds below, one would need to construct Fedora 29 builds separately rather than merely using the same local SRPM for both koji/dogtag-pki-theme/f28 AND koji/dogtag-pki-theme/master!

# diff koji/dogtag-pki-theme/f28/dogtag-pki-theme.spec koji/dogtag-pki-theme/master/dogtag-pki-theme.spec
  (if these are identical, then the same local SRPM may be utilized)

Be sure to verify that these builds contain the same patches as well!

f28 branch#

# cd koji/dogtag-pki-theme/f28
# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/DOGTAG-PKI-THEME/SRPMS/dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build
# bodhi updates new --type bugfix --request testing --stable-karma 3 --unstable-karma -3 --notes 'Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,...' $(fedpkg verrel)

master branch#

# cd koji/dogtag-pki-theme/master
# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/DOGTAG-PKI-THEME/SRPMS/dogtag-pki-theme*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build

NOTE: The 'bodhi' step is not necessary for 'rawhide'.


Verify that basically koji/pki-core/f28 and koji/pki-core/master are identical, otherwise, when constructing Fedora 28 builds below, one would need to construct Fedora 29 builds separately rather than merely using the same local SRPM for both koji/pki-core/f28 AND koji/pki-core/master!

# diff koji/pki-core/f28/pki-core.spec koji/pki-core/master/pki-core.spec
  (if these are identical, then the same local SRPM may be utilized)

Be sure to verify that these builds contain the same patches as well!

f28 branch#

# cd koji/pki-core/f28

  NOTE: In order to build pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc28, the proper versions of several previously built dependencies
        (e g. - jss, tomcatjss, nuxwdog) must exist in the 'f28-build' buildroot since 'pki-core' contains build
        dependencies on these components. This can be checked using this command:

        # koji latest-build f28-build jss tomcatjss nuxwdog
        Build                                     Tag                   Built by
        ----------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------
        jss-4.4.2-10.fc28                         f28                   releng
        tomcatjss-7.2.4-3.fc28                    f28                   releng
        nuxwdog-1.0.3-13.fc28                     f28                   mharmsen

  Use the following URL to override a package in the Koji build system:

      (IMPORTANT: No ending '/'!!!!)

    It will state to use the following:

    % koji wait-repo f28-build --build=tomcatjss-7.3.0-1.fc28

  If the override already exists but has EXPIRED, it will NOT let you add a NEW
  override.  To fix this, specify the problematic override and try the following:


    It will show it expired; change the Expiration Date (and the notes)
    and re-submit.

    It will state to use the following:

    % koji wait-repo f28-build --build=tomcatjss-7.3.0-1.fc28

# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/PKI-CORE/SRPMS/pki-core*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build
# bodhi updates new --type bugfix --request testing --stable-karma 3 --unstable-karma -3 --notes 'Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,...' $(fedpkg verrel)

master branch#

# cd koji/pki-core/master

NOTE: In order to build pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc29, the proper versions of several previously built dependencies
        (e g. - jss, tomcatjss, nuxwdog) must exist in the 'f29-build' buildroot since 'pki-core' contains build
        dependencies on these components. This can be checked using this command:

        # koji latest-build f29-build jss tomcatjss nuxwdog
        Build                                     Tag                   Built by
        ----------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------
        jss-4.4.2-10.fc28                         f29                   releng
        tomcatjss-7.3.0-1.fc28                    f29                   releng
        nuxwdog-1.0.3-13.fc28                     f29                   mharmsen

# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/PKI-CORE/SRPMS/pki-core*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build

NOTE: The 'bodhi' step is not necessary for 'rawhide'.


Verify that basically koji/pki-console/f28 and koji/pki-console/master are identical, otherwise, when constructing Fedora 28 builds below, one would need to construct Fedora 29 builds separately rather than merely using the same local SRPM for both koji/pki-console/f28 AND koji/pki-console/master!

# diff koji/pki-console/f28/pki-core.spec koji/pki-console/master/pki-console.spec
  (if these are identical, then the same local SRPM may be utilized)

Be sure to verify that these builds contain the same patches as well!

f28 branch#

# cd koji/pki-console/f28

  NOTE: In order to build pki-console-10.6.0-1.fc28, the previously built pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc28 must exist in
        the 'f28-build' buildroot since 'pki-console' contains the build dependency of  'pki-base-java >= 10.6.0'.
        While a previous release of pki-core 10.6.0 may already exist in the buildroot, it is usually a good idea
        to update the buildroot to the latest 10.6.0 release to be certain that 'pki-console' is married to the latest
        10.6.0 release of 'pki-base-java' to prevent any possible compilation issues.

  Use the following URL to override a package in the Koji build system:

      (IMPORTANT: No ending '/'!!!!)

    It will state to use the following:

    % koji wait-repo f28-build --build=pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc28

  If the override already exists but has EXPIRED, it will NOT let you add a NEW
  override.  To fix this, specify the problematic override and try the following:


    It will show it expired; change the Expiration Date (and the notes)
    and re-submit.

    It will state to use the following:

    % koji wait-repo f28-build --build=pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc28

# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/PKI-CONSOLE/SRPMS/pki-console*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build
# bodhi updates new --type bugfix --request testing --stable-karma 3 --unstable-karma -3 --notes 'Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,...' $(fedpkg verrel)

master branch#

# cd koji/pki-console/master

  NOTE: In order to build pki-console-10.6.0-1.fc29, the previously built pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc29 must exist in
        the 'f29-build' buildroot since 'pki-console' contains the build dependency of  'pki-base-java >= 10.6.0'.
        While a previous release of pki-core 10.6.0 may already exist in the buildroot, it is usually a good idea
        to update the buildroot to the latest 10.6.0 release to be certain that 'pki-console' is married to the latest
        10.6.0 release of 'pki-base-java' to prevent any possible compilation issues.

  For 'rawhide', only the following is required:

    % koji wait-repo f29-build --build=pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc29

# fedpkg import <path to local rpmbuild repos>/PKI-CONSOLE/SRPMS/pki-console*.rpm
# fedpkg clog (optional)
# git add clog (optional)
# git commit -a
  "Resolves: dogtagpki Pagure Issue #<issue>,<issue>,..."

  <most recent changelog messages>

  NOTE: Sometimes the message can be as simple as "Re-base Dogtag to 10.6.0"

# fedpkg push
# fedpkg pull
# fedpkg build

NOTE: The 'bodhi' step is not necessary for 'rawhide'.

Mark ‘fixedinversion’ in all Pagure Issues for a Given Milestone (Optional)#

For each Pagure issue for a .. milestone that have been closed fixed, fill in the proper value(s) for the ‘fixedinversion’ field; use the lowest Fedora version of each component that needs to be specified.

For example, for Fedora 28 and Fedora 29, simply use the earliest Fedora component:

  • pki-core-10.6.0-1.fc28

Additionally, if there are any associated Fedora Bugzilla Bugs, fill in the “Fixed In Version:” field with the various space-separated NVRs, and mark each bug as MODIFIED.

Update and Check-in any changes to the ‘master’ PKI Source Branch (e. g. - spec file templates)#

Create a Static Tag from the ‘master’ PKI Source Branch#

At this stage, tag the original source repository, since it has produced official Fedora builds:

# cd pki
# git branch
# git tag
# git tag -a "v10.6.0" -m "Build for 10.6.0 for Fedora 28"
# git show v10.6.0
# git push origin v10.6.0

Document Resolved .. Release Issues on the external Dogtag Wiki#

Document the resolved issues at PKI Open Source History.

Specifically, there should be a Pagure Issue for each of these releases; unfortunately, this is one of the items that has fallen quite far behind; see the following:

dogtagpki Pagure Issue #2455 Dogtag 10.4.0 Release Tasks